Principal Clarinet

Bass Clarinet Lessons

After the two-year course, students will have been able to develop their talents in line with the plan of study. They will then be ready to enter the professional music world at the highest level.

Principal subject
Solo repertoire. Principal private lessons by appointment.

Final project
The student will adopt a more specialized approach to the repertoire of his/her principal study and will undertake research, on which he/she will report. To be determined by the student himself/herself.

Additional instruction in the principal study
* coached ensemble playing
* course on orchestral playing/training for auditions
* chamber-music projects
* orchestra projects

Student activities
Playing, performing, participating in ensembles and projects.

Methods of instruction
Individual lessons, group lessons.

Principal subject 'free space' selection
serving as a deputy player, e.g. with the Asko Ensemble, chamber-music ensembles and orchestras

Students may choose from a number of master level subjects and additional 'free space' electives. Information on research is provided separately.

Assessment Following the First Academic Year
1. A performance on the basis of which the student's progress in the area of the principal study will be assessed. The performance must demonstrate the student's positive development in respect of his/her:
* musical personality
* instrumental skills

2. The candidate's own views on and initiative with respect to the course will also be considered in the assessment.

3. The candidate will give an end-of-year recital and must perform at least one piece from memory. Examples of repertoire: W. Siegel - Jackdaw (+ tape), G. Janssen - Sprezzatura (solo), J.R. v. Roosendael - Kaida (fl, b cl, pf), T. Bruynèl - Looking ears (b cl, pf, tape), J. Kunst - Solo Identity I (solo), Y. Yuasa - Clarinet Identity (version for bass clarinet)

4. The performance will not exceed 50 minutes.

Final Examination
1. The candidate will give a final recital; he/she will present a cohesive programme based on a personal vision. The programme will include an accompanying lecture or written programme notes, or a master level thesis.

2. The recital will be made up of the following repertoire or repertoire of the same level: I. Yun - Monolog, F. Donatoni - Het (fl, b cl, pf), T. Loevendie - Duo for One Bass Clarinet solo + orchestra, T. Loevendie - Incantations, I. Xenakis - Echange

3. Together, the concert and the lecture will not exceed 90 minutes. The candidate must submit his/her programme no later than 1 March to the study secretariat using the forms provided for that purpose.

The final examination will be evaluated by a committee comprising a representative of the Board of Directors, principal study teachers and an external committe member. Research to be evaluated seperately.

1. Credits to be earned in connection with the final examination: credits in respect of the principal subject. Research/lecture credits will be earned separately.

2. Additional subject credits, as part of the principal study, to be earned.

3. Master level subjects and 'free space' credits to be earned.

Students will be admitted to the final examination only after the credits referred to above in the second and third points of the list of criteria have been earned.

foto Thomas Lenden

Erik van Deuren principal subject

CvA Students
1. Upon taking the final examination for the bachelor's degree programme, CvA candidates must have received the distinction eligible for acceptance to the master's degree programme.
2. A plan of study drawn up by the candidate and a follow-up discussion regarding the structure of the plan.

External Candidates
1. The candidate will perform a programme which may not exceed 30 minutes. He/she is required to play at least one piece from memory.
2. The candidate must submit a list of repertoire with a proposed programme for the entrance examination to the CvA study secretariat before 1 March. This programme will include a variety of musical styles. The admissions committee will evaluate the proposed programme and make any necessary changes. General requirements may be obtained from the representative of the section.
3. Required works for the entrance examination include: Tristan Keuris - Concertino (plus string quartet), Othmar Schoeck - Sonata, P. Hindemith - (Bassoon) Sonata.
4. Clarinettists having played little of the contemporary repertoire for bass clarinet during their studies will play: Debussy - Cello Sonata, Bach - Cello Suites.
5. The repertoire performed will support the motivation outlined in the plan of study. The candidate's personal approach will be evidenced by a follow-up discussion regarding the structure of the plan.

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Blues Piano Lesson #1 - Walking Boogie Bass Line
Clarinet lessons for beginners, Play With a Pro,
Clarinet lessons for beginners, Play With a Pro,
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Clarinet Lesson
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