Piano Lessons

SparkNotes The Piano Lesson

SparkNotes The Piano Lesson

July 5, 2019
The action of the play takes place in the kitchen and parlor of Doaker s sparsely furnished home in 1930s Pittsburgh. The old, upright…

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Piano lessons Kalamazoo

Piano lessons Kalamazoo

May 21, 2019
Creative expression, musical exploration, skill development, self-discipline and self-esteem are just a few of the benefits of participating…

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Piano lessons Bellingham WA

Piano lessons Bellingham WA

April 11, 2019
Education I graduated from Western Washington University as a music major in piano. As an undergraduate, I was privileged to teach…

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Adult Piano lessons

Adult Piano lessons

April 6, 2019
It is impossible to count the number of times we piano teachers have heard, “I wish I had learned piano as a child.” Adults assume…

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Piano lessons Norfolk VA

Piano lessons Norfolk VA

March 1, 2019
Your relationship with music & your chosen instrument is unique & will be life long. I look forward to sharing your…

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Perfect Piano Lesson

Perfect Piano Lesson

January 24, 2019
Perfect Pitch, also known as absolute pitch, is the ability to name or reproduce a tone without reference to an external standard…

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Piano lessons Wakefield

Piano lessons Wakefield

April 8, 2015
Pre-Instrumental music class for children aged 4 plus. This is an advanced music class designed for children who may wish to go onto…

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