Texas Blues Guitar Lessons

If you've ever traveled overseas, you also likely picked up one of those foreign language phrase books to help you communicate with taxi drivers, waiters, hotel staff or shopkeepers. You studied that phrase book long and hard before the trip, brushed up on the plane and felt pretty good about by yourself. That good feeling lasted about twenty minutes after landing, until you attempted to engage the taxi drive in conversation and everything got lost in translation. Kinda like what happens when you go to the jam with those killer licks you spent years perfecting but found you didn’t have a clue how to string them together into a full solo. Lost in translation baby.

Music is a language. And just like learning any language, you start by learning sounds, which you use to form words, which you combine into phrases, which you string together to tell stories. Notes, licks, phrases and solos. Simple concept. Up to the ‘string together’ part at least. Taking our hard-earned vocabulary of licks and connecting them seamlessly to form solos is where it starts to get a little tricky for most of us. Corey Congilio’s Solo Factory: Texas Blues will fix that in a hurry. In fact, you’ll be more than just a little amazed at just how easy it is.

Grab your guitar right now because you won’t be spending any time learning tedious theory or practicing boring exercises - you will play your way through the course right from the start. Corey’s curriculum is the quintessential hands-on, contextual learning experience.

In the first section of the course, you’ll learn ten licks that can be used over the I chord, ten licks for the IV chord, ten licks for the V chord and ten licks that can be played anywhere over a 12-bar blues. Corey teaches you the lick and points out why that lick works harmonically over the prevailing chord. All in all, you’ll stoke up your vocabulary with 40 new Texas Blues licks, along with a solid understanding for where that lick works best in a 12-bar Texas blues progression.

In the second section, you’ll learn ten full 12-bar solos that constructed solely from the licks that you learned in the first section. Corey will show how to connect the I, IV, V and anywhere licks into seamless solos over a 12-bar Texas blues format. This is where you’ll have your ‘aha’ moment!

In the last section of the course, Corey steps you through a series of playalongs where you will mix and match your lick vocabulary to your hearts delight and put your new solo constructions skills to good work. This is where you’ll have your second ‘aha’ moment - any and all of the licks you already have in your bag (including ALL of the licks from any of Corey’s 50 Licks You MUST Know courses!) can be connected in the same manner. Corey Congilio’s Solo Factory: Texas Blues is your gateway to blues soloing bliss.

All of the demonstrations are presented over a rhythm track for context. Corey then breaks down the licks and solos in a clear and very accessible manner. Everything is tabbed and notated, plus you'll also get all of the rhythm tracks to practice the licks and solos on your own.

Your ‘aha’ moments are just a click away. You’ll be able to travel to any bandstand at any blues jam and never be lost in translation again!

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