The Blues Guitar Scale Shape

Easy Blues Guitar Lessons

Are you experienced? Easy blues guitar is a great place to start If your not.

Possibly the most versatile, easy to play form of music on the guitar. With the easy blues guitar lessons in this section of my site I've assembled some great lessons that make it very easy to get started and you can spend a lifetime building on your skill from here mastering and enjoying the blues.

Do you have to be depressed to play the blues? NO!

Although the roots of the blues is pretty miserable if you look at it, it's the lyrics that make the difference if a song is happy or sad, so you can pretty much use the music itself for whatever you are feeling.

So why start with Easy blues guitar? Well, people like it.

They also like to start on something simple that they can see progress on fast.

There is something about the blues that moves people like no other music. Crank up your amp, add some distortion and all of a sudden you are playing rock and roll. Turn it down and add a few notes from the chromatic scale and you have something that sounds like a pretty good version of jazz. Play it straight and you're playing the blues.

This is just the jumping off the page to the rest of the easy blues guitar lessons I've put together. I'll break it into several easy to digest pages.

So where do you start while learning the play blues guitar?

The next 3 links take you step by step to a great start playing the blues.

Easy Blues Guitar - Step by Step

I've put together blues guitar lessons in 3 steps.

Step 1. A Great place to start is with a - This is where it gets fun. Blues lead guitar.

The Blues scale patterns are easy to learn scales that fit right under your fingers and become second nature quickly.

Get these under your fingers (I'll show you a quick way to do it) and it's a short step to blues solo heaven.

Step 3. Next we will go into the importance of learning from the great blues guitarists that came before you. If you study the blues guitar greats you will find that each one of them studied the Blues guitarists that came before them and then used what they learned from them to create their own sound.

In addition to the related pages, be sure to check out the following related pages on this website.

Even blues guitar takes finger strength. Are your hands and fingers in top shape to even master the blues? It might be easy to learn the fundamentals of the blues but to master them you have to increase what you are capable of with your hands.

Ever see a Blues guitarist like Eric Clapton play all over the fretboard? You can know exactly where you are on the fretboard too.

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Easy Blues Rhythm Guitar Lesson
Easy Blues Rhythm Guitar Lesson
Acoustic blues lesson - Easy Songs 1 (Guitar Lesson)
Acoustic blues lesson - Easy Songs 1 (Guitar Lesson)
Blues easy Fingerstyle Guitar Lesson by Siggi Mertens
Blues easy Fingerstyle Guitar Lesson by Siggi Mertens
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